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Lessons for HTML

Lesson 1: HTML Introduction

What in the world is HTML? HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is the primary language used for the development of web pages and web apps on the internet. It uses concepts like tags and attributes for describing various content types in a webpage like paragraphs, titles, headings, images, video, audio, etc,… HTML is part ...

Lesson 2: Choosing Web browsers

What is a browser? A web browser is a software which gets web pages made up of HTML from a server on the internet or on the computer, processes those web pages and displays the content as described by the HTML document. A browser can display text, images, videos and play audio. Chances are that ...

Lesson 3: HTML Elements and Tags

What Exactly is an Element? A web page consists of several elements in various combinations and order.  Elements are the fundamental building blocks of the web pages. Usually, an  element consists of three parts: starting tag or opening tag content ending tag or closing tag The format for a typical HTML element is Here tagname ...

Lesson 4: HTML Attributes

Attributes: Why do they exist? Attributes in HTML are helpful for providing additional information about an HTML element that is not part of the content. Each HTML element can have its own set of attributes. An attribute can have a single value for a particular HTML element. An element cannot have two attributes with the ...

Lesson 5: Choosing an Editor

Ways for creating web pages There are three classes of editors that help in the creation of web pages written in HTML. They have varying degrees of usability and can speed up development. The only catch is that they have increasing learning curves to use them more effectively. The classifications are: Plain Text editors Advanced code ...

Lesson 6: First HTML web page

Now it is time to type and run your first web page. Follow the steps below: Typing your first web page in a editor If you have chosen a text editor to enter the following code as it is. Saving as an HTML document Save as an .html or .htm file. If you are using ...

Lesson 7: Hello World! web page

Hello World! The hello world web page is the most basic working example of an HTML document. It has all the elements that would be present in every web page on the web. Here is the program if you missed it in the last lesson: Output The output will be the following line when opened ...

Lesson 8: HTML, Head and Body Elements

Box Model of HTML The Box Model is a recurring concept in Web development. In HTML you can think of elements as boxes that may contain other boxes. This view of elements allows us to realize why proper nesting is so important. Generally, the browsers expect the elements to conform to this structure. When the ...

Lesson 9: Title and Meta elements

Title Element The title element is used for specifying the web page’s title. This title is shown in the browser’s top bar and is also found in other locations. If we don’t specify the title of the web page using the title element, then most browsers use the file name as the web page’s title. ...

Lesson 10: Common HTML elements

Headings If you take any traditional printed media such as newspapers, books or even brochures, the content is usually well structured. They will have headings, paragraphs, and sections of text. These help in drawing attention to the most important details first. Similarly, in the case of web pages, we have different elements to represent different ...